The Priority Climate Action Plan

Written in 2023, the PCAP is the first major deliverable for the Climate Pollution Reduction Grant. The PCAP contains an inventory of where greenhouse gases are being created across New Haven County industries, and contains a list of our recommended strategies for mitigating greenhouse gas emissions.

We also offer a print-friendly version of the strategies as a 5-page PDF.

The Comprehensive Climate Action Plan

From 2024 onward, Impact 2050 has worked to produce the CCAP, the second major deliverable for the Climate Pollution Reduction Grant. In order to help identify the path forward to enacting policies from the Mitigation Strategies, the CCAP will contain a comprehensive Authority to Implement, which identifies state, local, and federal actors that can make change happen.

Additional sections of the CCAP, being written in collaboration with our partners, will contain greenhouse gas emission reduction projections and an analysis of how our mitigation strategies will add climate-friendly jobs to the workforce.

We also offer a print-ready PDF of the most recent draft of the Authority to Implement.