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The South Central Regional Council of Governments (SCRCOG) is collaborating with the Naugatuck Valley Council of Governments (NVCOG) to create a Climate Action Plan (CAP) for the New Haven-Milford MSA/ New Haven County. SCRCOG and NVCOG have been awarded $1 million through the Climate Pollution Reduction Grant (CPRG) Program to develop Climate Action Plans over a four (4) year period.

This website will be used to keep the public up to date on events being held in the New Haven County region, the status of deliverables related to the grant, and more.

Please see the video below to learn more about the CPRG Program and how you can get involved.

Sign up below for more events & future website updates.


Upcoming Events

SCRCOG and NVCOG will be tabling at CitySeed farmers’ markets in New Haven, CT on October 18th and November 4th. See flyer below for details.

UMass Amherst Regional Studio Midterm Presentation

Graduate students from the University of Massachusetts Amherst’ Master of Regional Planning program will be presenting their progress on a Priority Climate Action Plan for SCRCOG.

Guests are welcome to join in-person (information below) OR join through Zoom on Monday, October 16 at 9am.

John Olver Design Building
551 N. Pleasant St.
Amherst, MA 01003

Past Events

SCRCOG and NVCOG hosted their first stakeholder engagement workshop on Tuesday, August 29th. To watch the full video, please contact Stephanie Camp at smcamp@scrcog.org

The abridged video below gives an overview of the CPRG program, including the timeline for deliverables and potential focus areas for greenhouse gas reduction at a municipal, local level.