Pop-up tabling in New Haven
Come find us at the Mitchell Branch Library in New Haven!
Address: 37 Harrison St, New Haven, CT 06515
Pop-up tabling in New Haven
Come find us at the Ives Main Library Branch in New Haven!
Address: 133 Elm St, New Haven, CT 06510
ColleCTive Climate Forum
The Councils of Government across Connecticut are holding a Climate Action Forum on Wednesday October 23rd at Middlesex Community College.
We will be discussing climate action implementation strategies, challenges, and opportunities within the context of the regional climate action plans COGs and others are preparing under the EPA’s Climate Pollution Reduction Grant (CPRG) program. Municipal staff, commission members, and community groups with climate and sustainability-related responsibilities are invited to attend.
Registration closes on October 10, 2024, so please sign up soon!
Tabling at the Ansonia Nature Center Autumn Fest
SCRCOG’s consultant, SLR, will be tabling at Ansonia’s Autumn Fest this year! Please stop by to say hello and give us feedback on our PCAP GHG reduction measures.
New Haven County Priority Climate Action Plan Feedback Session
New Haven County has published a draft Priority Climate Action Plan as part of the Climate Pollution Reduction Grant (CPRG) program. Written public comment will be accepted through February 8th, and a public feedback session will be held virtually on February 6th at 6pm.
UMass Amherst Regional Planning Studio Final Presentation
Graduate students from the University of Massachusetts Amherst’ Master of Regional Planning program will be presenting their progress on a Priority Climate Action Plan for SCRCOG.
Guests are welcome to join in-person (information below) OR join through Zoom on Monday, October 16 at 9am.
Room 170
John Olver Design Building
551 N. Pleasant St.
Amherst, MA 01003
New Haven County Climate Pollution Reduction Grant (CPRG) Implementation Grant Workshop
Municipal and environmental stakeholders in New Haven County are invited to a CPRG implementation workshop, to discuss the EPA’s Notice of Funding Opportunity to implement strategies from our Priority Climate Action Plan.
The purpose of the training is to inform SCRCOG & NVCOG member municipalities in the New Haven County region about SCRCOG and NVCOG's ongoing efforts to complete a greenhouse gas emissions reduction plan for our region. The training will also review the significant amount funding that will be available to implement greenhouse gas reduction projects ranging from clean transportation, bike and pedestrian trails, building retrofits, public infrastructure upgrades, waste reduction programs, and more.
Thursday, November 30th, 2023
10am - 11:30am
Hybrid event
Connecticut Climate Action Plans Program Overview & Sector Workshop
Please join us on Tuesday, November 14th from 10:00-11:30AM for a Program Overview & Sector Workshop on US EPA’s Climate Pollution Reduction Grants (CPRG) program.
Tabling at CitySeed Market
Join us in New Haven!
SCRCOG and NVCOG will be tabling at the Dixwell Q-House Market as well as the Wooster Street Market to talk to residents about the Climate Pollution Reduction Grant. Please stop by and say hi!
Tabling at NEST Waterbury Housing Expo
Join us in Waterbury!
SCRCOG and NVCOG will be tabling at the NEST Greater Waterbury Housing Expo at the Waterbury Library Park to talk to residents about the Climate Pollution Reduction Grant. Please stop by and say hi!
Tabling at CitySeed Market
Join us in New Haven!
SCRCOG and NVCOG will be tabling at the Dixwell Q-House Market as well as the Wooster Street Market to talk to residents about the Climate Pollution Reduction Grant. Please stop by and say hi!
UMass Amherst Regional Planning Studio Midterm Presentation
Graduate students from the University of Massachusetts Amherst’ Master of Regional Planning program will be presenting their progress on a Priority Climate Action Plan for SCRCOG.
Guests are welcome to join in-person (information below) OR join through Zoom on Monday, October 16 at 9am.
Room 170
John Olver Design Building
551 N. Pleasant St.
Amherst, MA 01003
Become A Volunteer
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