Authority to Implement: Waste Management
The authority to implement climate action in the waste management sector is distributed across federal, state, regional, and local levels. At the federal level, agencies such as the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) provide regulatory oversight, technical guidance, and funding for waste reduction and recycling programs. The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) sets national standards for waste disposal and recycling, ensuring environmental protection.
At the state level, agencies like Connecticut’s Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) develop and enforce waste management policies, oversee recycling programs, and support initiatives to reduce landfill waste. State-led programs promote waste diversion through composting, extended producer responsibility (EPR), and support for innovative waste-to-energy technologies.
Regional councils of governments (COGs) play a critical role in coordinating waste management efforts across municipalities. They facilitate resource sharing, regional recycling programs, and the development of infrastructure such as transfer stations and material recovery facilities (MRFs).
Local governments hold primary responsibility for implementing waste collection, recycling, and disposal programs. Municipalities manage curbside recycling, public education on waste reduction, and compliance with state and federal regulations. They also partner with private waste haulers and recycling companies to ensure efficient operations.
The Priority Climate Action Plan (PCAP) underscores the importance of intergovernmental collaboration to achieve waste reduction goals. By leveraging shared resources, incentivizing innovative solutions, and engaging communities, the waste management sector can significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions and contribute to a circular economy.

Goal 1: A Clean and Green Municipal Fleet
Strategy T.1: Accelerate and/or begin adopting EV's into the municipal fleet, including public school buses
State level tactic
Tactic | Legislature can provide funds for infrastructure investments and rebates for vehicles. Can set requirements for EV adoption, provide vouchers for vehicle procurement, and support the purchase of electric school buses as in Connecticut General Statutes §14-164o, §22a-201e, §22a-201d(d), and §16a-14f. |
Legal authority | Has Authority |
Funding agencies | CT DEEP, US DOT |
Strategy T.2: Begin adopting alternate fuel sources such as hydrogen for medium to heavy-duty vehicles, where appropriate, if EV transition is not possible.
State level tactic
Tactic | Legislature can provide funds, rebates for vehicles, and infrastructure. Following the recommendations of the Connecticut Clean Hydrogen Roadmap... |
Legal authority | Must Obtain Authority |
Funding agencies | CT DEEP, US DOT, EPA |
Strategy T.3: Reduce idling in municipal fleet; work with civil engineers to adjust traffic signals and patterns to reduce idle time.
State level tactic
Tactic | CT DOT: redesign state roads and commit funding for town road improvements that conform to a reduced idling standard. |
Legal authority | Has Authority |
Funding agencies | CT DOT, US DOT |
Goal 2: Create a Transit-First Approach
Strategy T.4: Offer discounted transit fare for low and moderate-income populations living in LIDACs.
Federal level tactic
Tactic | Amtrak can adopt a reduced fare scheme for passengers boarding at stations in New Haven which contains many LIDAC tracts. |
Legal authority | Has Authority |
Funding agencies | US Federal Transit Authority |
State level tactic
Tactic | CT DOT can subsidize transit operators in LIDAC communities, so that they can charge the same basic fares as are charged in the cities of Hartford, New Haven, and Stamford, as per Connecticut General Statutes §13b-34a. |
Legal authority | Has Authority |
Funding agencies | US Federal Transit Authority |
Strategy T.5: Create a transit-first approach (including mass).
Strategy T.5.a: Pilot pedestrianization, limited traffic (bus-only lanes/streets), and use of active transportation downtown and in dense developments.
Federal level tactic
Tactic | US DOT can modify the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) and relax certain rules to encourage pedestrian-focused road design and alternatives to typical road construction. |
Legal authority | Has Authority |
Funding agencies | US DOT, CT DECD, CT DOT |
State level tactic
Tactic | CT Division of Highway Design: Manages, directs, and coordinates all the design activities for highways performed in accordance with State and Federal requirements... |
Legal authority | Has Authority |
Funding agencies | US DOT, CT DOT, CT DECD |
Local level tactic
Tactic | Local DPW reviews, approves, and builds any configured local roadways. | |
Legal authority | Has Authority | |
Funding agencies | US DOT,CT DOT,CT DECD |
Strategy T.5.b: Ensure federally designated Opportunity Zones are completely accessible by transit.
State level tactic
Tactic | CTDOT redesign transit routes to access block groups within opportunity zones of LIDAC communities | |
Legal authority | Has Authority | |
Funding agencies | US Federal Transit Authority,CT DOT |
Local level tactic
Tactic | Local DPW prioritize road infrastructure investments that improve transit access in Opportunity Zones. | |
Legal authority | Has Authority | |
Funding agencies | US Federal Transit Authority,CT DOT |
Strategy T.5.c: Advocate for transit plans that incentivize new development in areas that will allow for transit, walking, and bike use.
State level tactic
Tactic | Connecticut Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Board: The duties of the board shall include, but not be limited to, examining the need for bicycle and pedestrian transportation, promoting programs and facilities for bicycles and pedestrians in this state, and advising appropriate agencies of the state on policies, programs and facilities for bicycles and pedestrians. | |
Legal authority | Has Authority | |
Funding agencies | USDOT ,CT DOT |
Local level tactic
Tactic | Update Plan of Conservation and Development (POCD) to reflect zones for transit oriented development. Utilize Complete Streets approach. | |
Legal authority | Has Authority | |
Funding agencies | US DOT, CT DOT |
Strategy T.5.d: Incorporate smart traffic management systems to efficiently manage vehicular traffic flows (NEW for CCAP)
State level tactic
Tactic | CT DOT: Partners with US DOT Federal Highway Administration to incorporate new technology measures. | |
Legal authority | Has Authority | |
Funding agencies | USDOT ,CT DOT |
Local level tactic
Tactic | Local Traffic Authority: Partner with CT DOT and modifies placement of traffic signals and updates signal triggering mechanism (timing, sensor, etc). | |
Legal authority | Has Authority | |
Funding agencies | US DOT |
Strategy T.6: Partner with micro-transit companies to enable cross-town trips for smaller towns nearby.
State level tactic
Tactic | Provide funding for microtransit in areas with limited access to existing transit networks. The Milford Micro, Ride NewHaven, Valley Transit District 2GO, and XtraMile microtransit services were created as part of a two year pilot program starting in 2024. CT DOT has the authority to contract with any entity under Connecticut General Statutes §13b-34(a) including microtransit companies. | |
Legal authority | Has Authority | |
Funding agencies | CT DOT |
Local level tactic
Tactic | Town can partner with microtransit companies and centers in need of services like assisted living centers. | |
Legal authority | Has Authority | |
Funding agencies | CT DOT |
Strategy T.7: Reduce spatial misalignment through changes in land-use.
Strategy T.7.a: Conduct feasibility studies for creating economic zones in areas with high commute times.
State level tactic
Tactic | CT Department of Economic and Community Development: Conduct or commission a statewide study to identify areas with excessive commute times, and to analyze how jobs can be brought to that area through economic development. | |
Legal authority | Authority must be obtained | |
Schedule to obtain authority | ||
Short term: Local DPW reviews, approves, and builds any re-configured local roadways. | ||
Funding agencies | Various Federal Agencies |
Regional level tactic
Tactic | COGs: Partner with communities to identify areas of greatest potential for focused economic zones. | |
Legal authority | Has Authority | |
Funding agencies | CT DOT,CT DOH,CT OPM |
Local level tactic
Tactic | Planning Board or other local government designee can utilize existing, or future, revenue to develop feasibility study | |
Legal authority | Has Authority | |
Funding agencies | CT DOT,CT DOH,CT OPM |
Strategy T.7.b: Encourage denser housing in areas near existing economic zones.
State level tactic
Tactic | Financially incentivize developers who build high density and centrally located housing. | |
Legal authority | Authority must be obtained | |
Schedule to obtain authority | ||
Short term | Long term | |
Pass a bill providing statewide density bonuses and credits for developers who site projects in housing adjacent to existing amenities and in urban centers. | Require that municipalities direct development towards existing developed centers as part of their POCD. | |
Funding agencies | US DOT,CT DECD,CT DOH,US FTA,CT OPM |
Local level tactic
Tactic | Planning Board modifies existing zoning code to realign land uses while zoning boards can ensure the codes are enforced. | |
Legal authority | Has Authority | |
Funding agencies | US DOT,CT DECD,CT DOH,US FTA,CT OPM |
Strategy T.8: Create more park-and-ride options, and increase transit access and frequency in areas with high car ownership and high commute times to work to enable multi-modal trips.
State level tactic
Tactic | Expand scope of CT Rides to increase subsidy for utilization of mass transit for commuting and recreational purposes. | |
Legal authority | Authority must be obtained | |
Schedule to obtain authority | ||
Short term: Provide funding to CT Rides to incentivize carpooling and mass transit usage. | ||
Funding agencies | CT DOT,USDOT-FHWA |
Local level tactic
Tactic | Planning Board modifies existing zoning code to realign land uses while zoning boards can ensure the codes are enforced. | |
Legal authority | Has Authority | |
Funding agencies | CT DOT,USDOT-FHWA |
Goal 3: Reduce emissions from private vehicles
Strategy T.9: Increase the overall Electric Vehicle adoption and create infrastructure to support this:
Strategy T.9.a: Communicate the benefits of CHEAPR to low and middle-income communities, and have limited time offers of higher Rebate to encourage the buying of EVs in the short-term.
State level tactic
Tactic | CT DEEP: Provide funds for towns to advertise CHEAP rebates. | |
Legal authority | Must obtain authority | |
Schedule to obtain authority | ||
Short term: Amend existing legislation to expand CHEAPR Program to provide funding to towns for outreach, and advertisement. | ||
Funding agencies | CT DEEP |
Local level tactic
Tactic | Advertise CHEAPR through town documentation sewer/water bills and town websites. Create town committee to encourage and plan events pointing people to these programs and to generate enthusiasm . | |
Legal authority | Has Authority | |
Funding agencies | CT DEEP |
Strategy T.9.b: Encourage car owners in rural communities to set up at home EV charging by taking advantage of Federal Tax credits.
Federal level tactic
Tactic | IRS: Expand and advertise existing rebates for EV infrastructure. | |
Legal authority | Has Authority | |
Funding agencies | IRS |
Local level tactic
Tactic | Create town committee to encourage and plan events pointing people to federal programs and to generate enthusiasm. | |
Legal authority | Has Authority | |
Funding agencies | IRS,CT DEEP |
Strategy T.9.c: In high-density development areas, implement requirements for new development to include EV charging stations.
State level tactic
Tactic | State law requires this for larger residential and commercial buildings. State could expand this requirement to more building types. | |
Legal authority | Has Authority | |
Funding agencies | US DOT |
Local level tactic
Tactic | Pass zoning ordinance requiring new construction in high density residential zones include EV chargers. | |
Legal authority | Has Authority | |
Funding agencies | IRS |
Strategy T.9.d: Communicate the benefits of the eBikes incentive program and advocate for increased funding for it, especially encouraging the growth of the Voucher+ offer for LIDACs.
Local level tactic
Tactic | Create town committee to encourage and plan events pointing people to federal programs and to generate enthusiasm. Target events and outreach to LIDAC tracts in town. | |
Legal authority | Has Authority | |
Funding agencies | CT DOT |
Strategy T.10: Incentivize EVs for shared-mobility companies (Uber/Lyft); this can even include free public parking for such vehicles.
State level tactic
Tactic | Include rideshare drivers in CHEAPR rebate program. Create additional rebates for renting and buying vehicles for rideshare purposes. CT Deep currently has the authority to provide EV purchase incentives to drivers under CGS §22a-202(b) but this could be expanded to accommodate leased vehicles and vehicles explicitly for rideshare use. | |
Legal authority | Must obtain authority | |
Schedule to obtain authority | ||
Short term | Long term | |
Expand CHEAPR to provide rebates for those who lease or buy an EV to be used for ridesharing. | Provide infrastructure funding for dedicated EV rideshare parking and drop off structures in public facilities. | |
Funding agencies | CT DOT, CT DEEP |
Local level tactic
Tactic | Pass ordinance requiring that large new developments provide drop-off areas and dedicated parking for shared-mobility vehicles only if they are EVs. | |
Legal authority | Has Authority | |
Funding agencies | CT DOT,US DOT |
Strategy T.11: Incentivize trip reduction programs in public offices and partner with private offices for the same: this requires an increase in work-from-home opportunities to reduce VMT during the work commute.
State level tactic
Tactic | Legislature: Require employers in compatible industries to require some work from home for employees. Require employers with large parking lots to implement trip reduction behaviors. | |
Legal authority | Must obtain authority | |
Schedule to obtain authority | ||
Short term: Pass a bill to fund a study of which industries are most compatible with working from home. | ||
Funding agencies | EPA |
State level tactic
Tactic | Continue to support CT Rides to boost interest in carpooling services statewide, amplify their Drive Less CT Challenge by providing additional funding allocation. CT DOT: Expand carpool lanes and provide monetary incentives for carpooling, subsidize fares | |
Legal authority | Has Authority | |
Funding agencies | US DOT |
Local level tactic
Tactic | Partner with CT Rides to boost interest in carpooling services, encourage residents to participate in Drive Less CT. Create local carpooling program among local community groups. | |
Legal authority | Has Authority | |
Funding agencies | CT RIdes, CT DOT |
Strategy T.12: Improve broadband access (with at least 1GBPS) state-wide.
State level tactic
Tactic | Continue to expand broadband access. | |
Legal authority | Has Authority | |
Funding agencies | CT DEEP |
State level tactic
Tactic | Subsidize broadband in LIDAC communities. | |
Legal authority | Must obtain authority | |
Schedule to obtain authority | ||
Short term: Pass a bill subsidizing or covering the costs of broadband for eligible communities. | ||
Funding agencies | CT DEEP,FCC |
Strategy T.13: Pursue alternative fuel sources, such as hydrogen, where appropriate if electrification is not possible.
State level tactic
Tactic | Follow recommendations of CT Hydrogen Roadmap and develop renewably produced hydrogen resources. Including the creation of financial incentives for hydrogen vehicle and infrastructure adoption | |
Legal authority | Must obtain authority | |
Schedule to obtain authority | ||
Short term | Long term | |
Follow short term steps of the Hydrogen Roadmap including passing a law which provides a workable definition of clean hydrogen and create funding to transition heavy vehicles to the alternative fuel. | Create additional funding sources for Hydrogen and through policy promotes the growth of Hydrogen Clusters and workforce development. | |
Funding agencies | DOE |